Call your Insurance agent and report the date and type of damage your home received.
The Insurance company will have an adjuster contact you to set up a time to come to your home to assess the damages.
At this time please call Todd Nichols Home Improvements so we can be there to assist the adjuster and represent YOU.
Typically, it will take 2-3 weeks to receive a “Summary of Loss” from the insurance company. This will list what repairs that the insurance company is paying for and the dollar amount that is to be paid.
Once the summary of loss has been received you will enter into a contract with Todd Nichols Home Improvements stating what work shall be done to your home, and the cost of the repairs in which will be equal to the summer of loss.
After signing the contract with Todd Nichols Home Improvements, we handle all of the paperwork and correspondence with your insurance company and/or mortgage company as needed.